MLB Fielding

Updated May 15th 11am all Cages have been canceled for tonight.

Tuesday night Field Practice schedule

Please have athletes dress in full practice baseball attire. White pants black socks belt hat and CSD jersey.

5:pm to 6:45pm
Rosters: Yuan, Vitale, Arias, Inzunza, Diaz, Kellogg, Sanco, Vega j, GioVanetti, Lagunas, Mercado, Magana, Frierson, Tate, Monroy, Tapia, Bencomo, Preston R

6:pm to 8pm
Rosters: Weissmann, Garcia, DelCampo, Tapia, Martinez, Lievas, Pinto, Sohn, Wyckoff, Vitale, Miller, Ennabi, Schmidt, Reivera, Vega N, Lopez, Navarro, Lewis, Vasquez

Wednesday night Cage Roster and Times

Please have the athletes dress in workout sports attire with running shoes no cleats. Have them bring all of their gear. Sports attire shorts or athletic pants with navy CSD jersey and running shoes. Enter through the rear please make sure they bring their own water.

5:30pm to 7pm
Rosters: Yuan, Vitale, Arias, Inzunza, Diaz, Kellogg, Sanco, Vega j, GioVanetti, Lagunas, Mercado, Magana, Frierson, Tate, Monroy, Tapia, Bencomo, Preston R

6:30 to 8pm
Rosters: Weissmann, Garcia, DelCampo, Tapia, Martinez, Lievas, Pinto, Sohn, Wyckoff, Vitale, Miller, Ennabi,  Schmidt, Reivera, Lopez, Navarro, Vega, Vasquez, Lewis



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